
Jezera is typically small Dalmatian town located on the southeast side of the island Murter. It was named after the small lakes that are formed in the fall and winter days when water is poured into the karst valleys.

Jezera is populated back in 1298th when in the bay is well protected from wind and waves come first settlers. In the natural harbor today is located nautical center and a modern marina with 250 berths.

Jezera has many cultural monuments, but particularly should emphasize the church Our Lady of Health from 1720. year, which was built by master Jure Foretic.

Residents of Jezera are excellent fishermen and sailors. In this small fishing village, you can offer daily seafood specialties, fresh fish, shellfish, crabs ...

Traditionally, the population is engaged in fishing, olive and wine growing, while today tourism is developing quickly.

During the summer months are held many interesting events. Jezera are especially proud of their ancient crafts, costumes, songs and dances that are presented to tourists at events such as: »How did our forefathers lived«, »Days of the Sea«, »Little Lady«.

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